18 Sep, 2014

Independent professional

IPSE, the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self Employed, has welcomed a new report calling for freelancing to be put at the heart of public policy.

The Freelancing Agenda launched today by the Labour Finance and Industry Group calls for a range of recommendations to make it easier to work as an independent professional, including eradicating confusion around the tax status of freelancers.

Simon McVicker, Director of Policy and External Affairs at IPSE, said:

“The Labour Finance and Industry Group’s report is a welcome and positive contribution to the wider debate on freelancing and self-employment. Recognition of the importance of freelancing to the UK economy, combined with targeted policy measures to support this vital group can be a catalyst for wider economic growth.

“There are clear problems with the current policy framework that exist for the self-employed, and this report attempts to solve these issues, particularly with regard to the confusion which surrounds the employment and tax status of freelancers.

“Although the recommendations in this report are welcoming, it is crucial that any proposals to help the rapidly growing self-employed sector are simple to implement and there is consultation with the self-employed community.

“Bold yet simple policy suggestions like those outlined in IPSE’s manifesto will enable decision-makers to speedily implement policies supporting independent professionals and the self-employed. A small business conciliation service, for instance, would be a big step forward around resolving issues of late payment or disputes over contracts and could be put in place immediately by the next government.

“With self-employment rising at a record rate, it is more important than ever for decision-makers to champion this sector. It is encouraging that the Labour Party is considering adopting the recommendations in the Labour Finance and Industry Group’s report and IPSE will continue working with all major political parties to ensure they provide the self-employed with the support they need to flourish.”

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