06 Aug, 2008

Executives remain chained to their desks

It seems that executives will be putting the office before the family this summer as a study today reveals that more than 80{6060b2de664e4eaa3e7b7e86961ce2c4bbd7a29b6c1097abf8257a4e5b07383e} of British executives plan to stay in touch with the office whilst away with 58{6060b2de664e4eaa3e7b7e86961ce2c4bbd7a29b6c1097abf8257a4e5b07383e} of them confessing that they cannot switch off from work whilst sunning in the sun ( not UK sun of course ). The resarch found that 1 in 4 work-obsessed managers are checking their emails once or more an hour whilst on holiday with a further 32{6060b2de664e4eaa3e7b7e86961ce2c4bbd7a29b6c1097abf8257a4e5b07383e} checking them at least twice a day even though 21{6060b2de664e4eaa3e7b7e86961ce2c4bbd7a29b6c1097abf8257a4e5b07383e} admit it causes friction with their partner. Fifty three per cent conclude that their family resent the intrusion of the office on their holiday time. Around 59{6060b2de664e4eaa3e7b7e86961ce2c4bbd7a29b6c1097abf8257a4e5b07383e} of senior managers admit to contacting the office because they don’t want to lose touch with what is going on. This might explain the worryingly high 71{6060b2de664e4eaa3e7b7e86961ce2c4bbd7a29b6c1097abf8257a4e5b07383e} who feel the need to respond immediately to a work email. Whilst 70{6060b2de664e4eaa3e7b7e86961ce2c4bbd7a29b6c1097abf8257a4e5b07383e} of British executives explain that they are more than happy to take a BlackBerry or wireless device away with them, just 28{6060b2de664e4eaa3e7b7e86961ce2c4bbd7a29b6c1097abf8257a4e5b07383e} use it to enhance their holiday by calling family or taking pictures. 17{6060b2de664e4eaa3e7b7e86961ce2c4bbd7a29b6c1097abf8257a4e5b07383e} of executives claim just having the device with them leaves them stressed. Happy holidays from the MSC team.

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